Eksamensopgaven på A-niveau med internetadgang, delprøve 2
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Det er afgørende at dit essay kommer til at fremstå som en sammenhængende skriftlig fremstilling. Så undgå afsnitsoverskrifter og punktopstillinger — men del selvfølgelig ind i afsnit. Sådan gør du
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Tragtindledning (funnel introduction) ‒ Indledningen starter bredt og snævrer sig ind mod teksten Ex. 1, indledning med udgangspunkt i et retorisk spørgsmål: “Is it possible to execute a reckless deed solely for the fragile purpose of avoiding humiliation? The mysterious ways of human behaviour and development is the focus in the short story “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell from 1936 that is set in British Burma during the colonial time. The story is centred on a British police officer and an elephant at large, and through a modest gallery of characters we are consumed by a view on humanity in revolt.” Ex. 2, indledning med udgangspunkt i en almen erfaring: “Most people have an everyday routine. In most cases this is comfortable and gives you a feeling of structure and makes it easier to cope with life. However, there is a fine line between a well-planned and secure everyday life and a life of boredom and predictability that mechanically takes its course and distances you from life. This is exactly what the story “Stolpestad” by William Lychack from 2008 is about. It is about how the narrator’s day-to-day routine is so predictable that his life has become a condition of numbness.” Ex. 3, indledning med udgangspunkt i et citat fra teksten ““[…] This is your life, Stolpestad.” (p. 2, l. 5). That is it, deal with it. A clearly negative second person narrator takes the reader through the life of the policeman Stolpestad; a non-motivated and truly stagnated husband and father from a small town in America. Stolpestad’s life is just passing by, and he is letting it. William Lychack takes us through the inner monologue of Stolpestad’s mind in the short story of the same name, written in 2008, describing Stolpestad’s battle of facing up to the truth of his life, sadly failing, losing his battle to Goliath symbolized in having to put down a dog for a young boy”. Ex. 4, indledning med et retorisk spørgsmål “How are we going to be remembered when we leave this earth? Are we going to be remembered at all? What about all of us normal people who are not Michael Jackson, Copernicus, or Shakespeare? Their names will live forever because of their huge achievements, but not many are going to be remembered like them. Most people grow up, get a job, start a family, and pass away. Big achievements create huge acknowledgement, and most people want to be acknowledged, but maybe it is not always that easy. Many people are sure they are going to turn out great and be remembered for a good job, but what if that is not the case? What is the point of living a life not doing what you thought you were supposed to do?” Eksempler på metasprog (som du skal undgå!) Ex. 5, henvisning til opgaven: “In this assignment I have been told to include an analysis of the narration and the title.” Ex. 6, henvisning til skriveren selv: ”Now that I have introduced the story, I should like to go on …” Hoveddel
Assignment A I opgave A skal du foretage en litterær analyse og fortolkning. Materialet vil typisk være en novelle. Du kan sammenligne opgaven med den litterære artikel i eksamensopgaven i dansk. Skrivehandlinger til opgave A (læs om skrivehandinger):
Assignment B I opgave B skal du foretage foretage en redegørelse, en analyse og en kommentar eller en diskussion. Redegørelsen vil typisk handle om et fænomen eller et emne i den offentlige debat, og analysen vil typisk være en argumentationsanalyse eller en retorisk analyse. Materialet vil typisk være en opinion article. Du kan sammenligne opgaven med kronikken i eksamensopgaven i dansk. Skrivehandlinger til opgave B:
Herudover består opgaven i at du selv finder materiale på internettet som du kan bruge til at udvide din forståelse af emnet. Kvaliteten og relevansen af dette materiale vil indgå i bedømmelsen af din besvarelse. Husk at diskussionsafsnittet ikke handler om hvad du selv synes om emnet, men består i at du vender emnet fra to eller flere vinkler. Disse vinkler skaffer du ved hjælp af opgavens ekstramateriale (dvs. medieklip) og fra de internetkilder du selv finder frem som en del af opgaven. Eksempler
Brug nogle af følgende forbinderord (diskursmarkører):
Dan overgange mellem afsnittene, fx ved at gentage ord eller fraser Ex. 5: The dog does not die immediately, and when the owners of the dog, father and son, want to bury her, they find her alive. In the ending when this is revealed, it gives the reader a great shock and allows him to gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of the policeman who is at the same time surprised. Another feature to gain insight is the second person narration that the text is written in and which means that the personal pronoun “you” replaces the more commonly used “he/she”. Afslutning
I afslutningen skal du "følge læseren ud": du skal forbinde analysens resultat med din indledning. Hvis du har skrevet en tragtindleding, så vend tragten om her, så du bevæger dig fra teksten ud i det generelle som du startede i. Du kan fx bruge nogle af følgende diskursmarkører til at skabe struktur i din afslutning:
Ex. 6: (sammenlign med ex. 2 ovenfor) “Everyday routines can easily become a habit and make you forget to question what you want out of life. This is seen in the story “Stolpestad” where the main character lives a trivial and predictable life to such a degree that the outcome is a mental numbness that eliminates him from life in the end”. Ex. 7: (sammenlign med ex. 4 ovenfor) “All in all the plot of this story is based on William’s conflict, which is present within him. He does not want to write biographies of pop singers, but he does it anyway. He does not pursue his dreams of becoming an acknowledged writer and is living in an empty space. We see a man who is living like a philistine. He does not really relate to his life, but only does what is expected of him, which makes him believe that he is living a pointless life. His job is not exactly his first choice, and the entry of the elephant shows that he has a need for living on after he has died. Living like William in an empty space, living a pointless life without all the things that are important to him, like the elephant, does not help him get acknowledged and remembered”. Henvisninger og dokumentation
Eksempler på citatbrug
Ex. 8, indflettet citat: The author had "… hoped that the gay marriage debate would be mostly about marriage's relationship to parenthood" (l. 34), but other agendas emerged. Ex. 9, med udeladelse: "In my 2007 book, 'The Future of Marriage' (…) I took a stand against gay marriage." (l. 1) Ex. 10, med ændring: Talking about marriage in general, David Blankenhorn says, "[It] is the planet's only institution whose core purpose is to unite the biological, social and legal components of parenthood into one bond." (ll. 20-1) Litteratursøgning/materialesøgning
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